


{211}Clara Schumacher, et al. 2017

学習分析の効力を検証する質的・量的調査。 Learning analytics use static and dynamic information about learners and learning environments, assessing,eliciting and analyzing them, for real-time modeling, prediction, and optimization of learni…

{210}Fiorella, L., Mayer, R.E. 2016

生成学習理論を基盤とした、特に表出としての学習方略についてのまとめ。 Generative learning theory has its roots in Bartlett (1932) view of learning as an act ofconstruction, in which people invest effort after meaning by integrating new expe…

{209}Zhiru Sun, et al. 2018

反転授業の自己調整学習の観点からの解釈。 In a flipped class,students are expected to be self-directed and complete pre-class tasks inorder to be well-prepared for in-class activities (Talbert, 2014). To actively engage in in-class activiti…

{208}Maria Theobald. 2021

大学生に対する自己調整学習の効力についてメタアナリシスしたもの。 自己調整学習(SRL)は準備段階・実行段階・評価段階の3つのサブプロセスを包含する概念であり(Panadero, 2017)、また取る戦略も認知戦略・メタ認知戦略・資源管理戦略の3つに大別される。…

{207}Weinstein, C. and Mayer, R. (1986)

学習方略に関するレビュー。 It is strange that we expect students to learn yet seldom teach them about learning. We expect students to solve problems yet seldom teach them about problem solving. And, similarly, we sometimes require students…